Last nights game was a lot of fun there where 5 of us we welcome and new guy another John welcome! We used my new terrain I was working on to play a game called Dungeon Crawl they are a free set of rules I downloaded here in the file section they are fast moving. We got a late start because of piano moving by some, so the game was never finished about half way. Everyone had a great time and hacking and slashing was done by all some bad luck for Group 1 Erik and New guy John group took heavy losses in there entry into the dungeon by the hands of the bugbears (Cleric was lost can't lose the cleric). The story line goes Glenwood was an ancient city destroyed by an evil Vampire who was looking to expand his domain and move to the next city. The 2 groups where hired to enter the ancient city and find there way into the Vampires dungeon and kill him to save the town. Mike and Rob took group 2 they moved to Glenwood and came across a monstrous spider and her two babies. With the archer going down in the fight they managed to kill them with some help from group 1. Group 1 ran into some zombies and managed to easily take them out fireballs! Group 2 found a chest in a tree and managed to pick the lock and find a potion of healing. Group 1 enter the dungeon first but ran smack into a band of bugbears with a tough leader the group lost 4 of there 6 characters so where forced to go back to town and start over. Group 2 moved in and ran into an earth elemental they took this out and moved on to find hidden rooms and get ambushed. The dwarf went down (cleric bought him back) they moved onto an ancient room where they ran into an Ogre and took him out. Mike fell into a pit touching the water fountain (thieves are for that) after climbing out they moved on and finished with running into a set of gargoyles. Group 1 made it back and continued on where they left off and ran into a spider guarding a chest they took it out and found some magic thief tools. As they moved on they ran into a ghost, finding normal weapons not effecting it the cleric moved in and banished it. The thief came across a chest and tried to pick it failing he was teleported to the center of the board near group 2. 12 midnight struck and some would turn into pumpkins so we called the game. Pictures where added to photo section and you can follow along the adventure. The rules where good I used the Hawks gaming clubs cards and they didn’t match up with the rules for monsters and events they had made changes to the monsters so it was a little confusing in the beginning my fault as I was more concerned getting the terrain finished then on the rules. I will redo monster cards and event cards the treasure cards where fine, these cards are great to use as they make everything random. Thanks to everyone for coming and letting me try my terrain out and rule set. Hope to do this again in the future.
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