Sunday, February 24, 2013

Starship Troopers Fubar "Want to know more"

My wargaming group on Saturday played FUBAR Starship troopers.  Erik and Zak took control of the
bugs and Kyle, Rob and I took the Mobile Infantry. The game was based on the
Last Stand out of the base game with modes added. Our group used our version of
the Fubar rules and continue to update. The troopers had to hold the Arachnid
advance but to do this they had to hold the forward power station which powered
the base and its weapon gun emplacements. The bugs where endless and over a
hundred bugs feel (yes that many). The game finally ended with the power station
falling but the base holding and preparing for the next assault of Arachnids.
Pictures have been posted in the SST photo section and it pretty much tells the
story. Thanks to all who made it great fun, great friends.

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